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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I super like listening to Owl City, coz their songs make me feel like a little girl playing in the clouds... yikesssss... I miss my childhood, really!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Save Now..

Oh hai, Monday.. yup-yup even if I only had couple of hours sleep I am still in a very good mood.. why?! its my week long Birthday celebration baby and I could not be happier. ;) (mtg with ops manager for a good 30mins.) oh hey..back! I've got so many things to say awhile ago but I think I lost it in the middle of the meeting..

I saved this as a draft.. I don't think I'll be able to continue this post.. ha ha.. publishing........

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I can't believe its Thursday already, I haven't even recovered from you weekend, and now your trying to remind me that you'll be visiting again?! gahhhh, Life! I wonder, what if we have 31 different days?? how is it gonna be like?? *Okay, enough being talkative in your blog or else they might think your like that in person* SARRY.. I am not, in fact I can be in my shut the fcuk up mode in a snap of a finger. So, blogging is necessary for me, for there's a lot of things goin on in my head that I would wanna share. haha. Sometimes I feel like that if my head can only speak, she's gonna be more talkative than anybody I know.. * timesss 10000000*

Osel loves to sing but never ask me on the spot.. I need to prepare and you, you, and you knows that..

Birthday's coming.. I'm turning 23, yeheeey! older and wiser?? I guess sooo.. I believe I'm smart but not geeky-smart-kind-of-thing. Yayyy.. I can't wait to PARTEEEEYYYYY!!!

Mostly, I can't wait to spend my birthday with the people I love the most and whom loves me back!! I love you guyssss and you know that!! As in this big!!! *facial reaction with hand action*

How do you get invited to be a member of Welpzzz!! Anyboooobody?!!

I went out for dinner last night @ Sizzlin' Pepper Steak (Mantrade)

Food was good (Somehow) though the Steak wasn't very tender (Attention: People, don't call it tenderloin if its not tender cause Osel will speak up, if she needs to!ha ha).

The not so tender, Tenderloin Steak. ;)

Also, it's a bit expensive that I would rather eat my favorite steak @ Snackaroo. (less expensive and bigger! Real nyomnyomm!)

The fries was good though... with melted mozarella cheese and gravy (I think.) That's 3 stars for you!
Fries. nyumnyum. ;)

I was kind of depressed when I got home. (I dunno what the hell happened! seriously!)

Leavin' me clueless and confused.

So, I cried. Thanks to some friends who comforted me.

Instead of crying, I decided to take pictures of my new babies (uploading SOME pictures here!)

From People are People

From Donat (early bday gift!yey!)

I think this one is from SM (dept. store)

Syrup by People are People

Shoe Salon (I forgot the brand.)

Figlia (low cut boots)

From Figlia (again)

...and my chucks screaming to be washed.. (sarry!)

I was gonna take pictures of my other babiesss, but then again, I'm human and I can fall asleep anytime... ha ha ha!

“Is this goodbye? Maybe for now. Not forever, I hope. You’re special. You have taught me lots of things. You have always made me think. You were not one of those ordinary guys. You had and still have a great meaning in my life. And I don’t think it’s right to just throw you away like you never happened. Because you did happen. It just didn’t work out no matter how hard we both tried. Why don’t we try to listen and follow what Fate will bring us, this time? Let’s just wait for Fate to bring back what we had whenever Fate thinks it’s the right time. Agree?”
-via followandreblog

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

between sin and bliss

amidst all the negative energy I’m absorbing right now, thank you for (unconsciously) giving me a pinch of positivity. you are my (illegal) happy thought.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


All alone in an empty room
nothing left but the memories of when I had my best frIend
I don't know how we ended up here
I don't know but it's never been so clear
We made a mistake, dear.
And I see the broken glass in front of me
I see your shadow hanging over me
and your face, I can see...

Through the trees
I will find you;
I will heal the ruins left inside you
cuz I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees

I remember how we used to talk
about the places we would go when we were off
and all that we were gonna find.
And I remember our seeds grow
and how you cried when you saw
the first leaves show.
The love was pouring from your eyes.

So can you see
the branches hanging over me?
Can you see
the love you left inside of me?
in my face
can you see?

Through the trees
I will find you;
I will heal the ruins left inside you.
Cuz I'm still here breathing now
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees.

Cuz you're not coming back
And you're not coming back
No-oo.. No-oo.. No
You're not coming back...
You're not coming back...

Take my breath as your own
Take my eyes to guide you home

Cuz I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
And I'm still here...

Cuz I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
And I'm still here..

Cuz I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
And I'm still here..

But you're not coming back.
And you're not coming back.
Cuz you're not coming back
until I'm set free
Go quiet through the trees.

uh ohh..

Overwhelmed..Needs to practice people skills..

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hidden Anger

So where do I start? has been a hell-of-a-day and it's a FRIDAY. (my favorite day) funny and i wanna cry..(enough of the fragmented sentences already Osel!).

Well yeah, I'm almost close to hating this day. For starters, I've interviewed applicants for the past couple of hours (or so) and I can't effin think of a good reason whaaaaaa*&^)*&*^%&%*&*() .. FCUK.. leaving the decision to me.. AGAIN!! whatta whaatta whattaaa LIFE?!

Don't even ask me to spell toxic and refer it to yourself...Go and plant your kamote farmer!!!

Another thing, ship is sinking coz "YOU=5" means going down.. sorry for being this pissed, I'm only human and that is what you need to understand. So if your up for some fault finding of some sort let me know or better yet look at the mirror. I don't have any problem with how I present myself more that I don't care how I am being perceived. Feel free to judge me in whatever way possible, just how you like it. I'm up for giving you what you want if that's what makes you happy after all it's none of my ***damned business.. YOU SUCK and YOU SUCK BIGTYM.. are you even aware of that?? You and your Mickey mouse friend.........

Here are some tips for you Ms. Piggy:

First, DIET. that's DIE with a T for you.
Invest on clothes rather food.
Look at the mirror. (because I said sooo!)
Pay close attention to yourself and not with others. (love yourself, Darling)
Curlsss for your Hair if you really wanna be like me.

and of course STOP judging other people. ( coz that's just nasty! remember the mirror thingy)


Me pissed off = 1 bag of cheetos (cheddar cheese flavoured ones)

So, I am expecting 1 from you....kai, bye!

back to interviewer's seat..........................

Thursday, October 15, 2009

SARRY!! ;)

I posted 3 blogs today (including this one) 'cause yeah, I haven't been updating this account..... And I've got tons of postings to do... blame it to micro-blogging (twitter) for I find it way easier to get my opinions across.. ha ha ha.. Hey! tweepzzzters follow me! okai, back... I'm kiddin' I miss you immensely, my Blogspot... I'll be talking to you more often, I promise! So are we good??! I came back, cause I did sign up for this. I can be very talkative and you, I, and everybody knows that Osel needs an outlet where she can say whatever "things" she wants.. ha ha!

Guess what, I have this thing of exploring my thoughts to the extent that even I, get lost in it. ;)

I might be struggling in terms of ideas so to speak or maybe I just want you to have a reasons to stay focused on me, that's why I'm holding back from sharing too much information- YOU'LL BE THE JUDGE.. ;)


Waiting for...

Egg tart addiction..nyumnyumm ;)

Someone who's not afraid of apples, watermelon or strawberries ( because Osel usually smells like watermelon, loves to eat strawberries, and would go for apple over coffee).

Someone who's not scared of wheat bread and would eat the fat part of the meat on my plate (because Osel doesn't eat taba).

Someone who would take me to Thailand just to watch an elephant show.

Someone who would choose a couch over a bed as long as he's beside me. (because Osel finds that very, very sweet).

Someone who will try (even just a little).

Someone who'd fly away from here with me.

Someone who's not scared of getting lost.

Someone who doesn't mind me being flat chested. ( ha ha!)

Someone who won't love someone else.

Someone who thinks being smart is a plus.

Someone who can keep a secret except from me.

Someone who knows me inside-out.

Someone who values loyalty.

Someone whom I haven't even met.

Someone I'm looking forward to meet.

Someone whom I wouldn't want to forget.

Someone...waaaaaaa...okai, I have to go back to work... :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bad Post

We take good care of the things we bought, we keep them clean. Meticulously securing it in a very special place keeping it away from the coins and keys inside our pockets, Setting it apart from other things that needs to be taken care of. Though once it gets dented and perforated again and again, we start to take it for granted not realizing that it was once very important. It has outrun its framework and only executing its purpose, losing its importance and becoming nothing. Just like how we treat people, keep them special, give them assurance that nothing's gonna change but things change,its constant, and yes, it may not be that very moment but sooner or later it will. Just when everything seems to be perfect confusion gets on your way, it's as if all that is happening is just to good to be true and you'll subconsciously start building doubts inside you. Uncertainty is the beginning of hurt whether it be accidentally or intentionally and from that very moment things starts falling.

- Okay, so finally I decided to post this.. I've been having 2nd thoughts of posting this...or not.. I thinks its a failed post to publish..hahahaha..whattamithinkin?! There you go.. Enjoy!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Inconceivable as it may look like, there are so many people who would risk everything and basically do anything to improve their social status and climb the social ladder. What I cannot comprehend is the fact that attention has become a must-have and a common necessity for almost anybody that they will do anything to have it, to the extent of abusing those who were once close to them. If I'm craving for cheetos, these people craves for a 24/7 attention.

I have been taken for granted at some point. And I'm sorry for being negative or for being so straight to the point, I just want my message to come across and my opinion to matter to those who still care. I can still remember the very reason why I started to be like this, why it became so hard for me to give myself away to anybody, that includes my family, relatives, very close friends, and those who pretend to be one. I'm being more precise about things. I always have been very careful with what I say because I was never born to be an actress, I don't like the attention for all the wrong reason and the drama that comes along with it, but I'm gonna forget about that for a second or two for my opinion counts and indeed being asked for.

We can never avoid these kind of arguments, after all conflicts like these spice up our lives. Though it is comforting to know that what is yours will stay yours no matter what. There are circumstances in our life that we can't avoid, its irritating how someone so dear to you can do the thing that you least expected them to do after everything you've gone through. Let's call it revenge with no "just" basis, that is so bitter, you have to be undercover. I feel sorry for you.

Monday, August 3, 2009


It breaks my core as love comes to an end.When 2 people no longer feel it, subsequently getting ready for a "big-bang" change.In spite of that I'm all for granting that someone who's worthy of his independence,a roll. There are some who refuses to take all the best things offered to them , and some who can't in defiance of all the clear-cut. Fools like them appears to be seen everywhere with hearts broken and minds unclear. Here's my advice, if you're trying to figure out how all this would end, the same way you wonder how it all perfectly began, if you can't pick a day make it today because you know that's all you've got left to do.

Get in my way and tumble or come aboard my ship.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

while browsing the net..

403 Forbidden: The Server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



now, tell me when can we be together?...I'll be waiting for you!


Early and certainly a long day today.

..and I just don’t know where to begin. I am always like this when I am overwhelmed.I am just soooo happy everything is ok now.

Blast from the past:

Back when you were young, you did a lot of crazy things. stupid things that you can do without. Those are the things that you end up paying, for the rest of your life. You fundamentally end up in an unknown darkness that you yourself made and because of some sort of a badly-conducted experiment, you loose yourself.

All about fault-finding and discriminating one another, telling who’s what and who's not.Blustering and raving mad words.Sooo not COOL!

You people have to stop it. It's too tiring.Let each other be.

It doesn’t sound as objective as it should, so don’t get too personal.

There are better ways to resolve things.

I'm just sooo glad the fight is OVER...hihihi..*wink*

Monday, June 8, 2009



- sooooo they say....

......and we have to deal with it even if its unexpected.

- Osel's moving forward!

..will be in a running mode w/ onet later tonight..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


My legs hurt becoz I haven't been running since it started raining last Tuesday.

I was late for 1 hour and 10 minutes awhile ago 'cause I over slept.

I'm sooo not in the mood to wake-up early, eat breakfast, dress up, and go to work..

I have an excuse to look like a mess..haha..a wet shameful mess..

I'm happy its RAINING...sooo weird isn't it?

Ohhhh, I'm in my lazy mode people..soooo puleeeessse do understand..hahaha..(pulis, oh my!)


Goin back to Sugar to y'all soooooon..

Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm still a bit sick as of the moment, though I'm feeling energetic for some reasons. hi hi.. Somebody's coming home today and I just can't hide the happiness and excitement in me.anyweiz, I have the biggest girlie-girl crush on Star trek's actor Chris Pine I had the opportunity to watch the movie last Saturday ( probably the reason I got sick, coz of the hot and cold weather) kei, back to the movie, well surprisingly I enjoyed it! I'm not a fan of sci-fi movies so to speak and having Chris Pine as one of the leads made it impossibly interesting. ha ha. (What can I say he's funny and he's oozing with sex appeal!) Yikes..I'm sooo worthy of this fever!

I'm thinking about getting another tattoo most probably @ the upper part of my back, just haven't decided what art I'm gonna use. Thinking of asking my Kuya to draw a pattern for me. Oh well, let's think about that later.

I'm excited to see Em..=)

Will be in Happyville for 5 days starting today!swoosh!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


During a 10 minute conversation, around 60% of people lie.The average person commits 2 to 3 lies in that 10 minutes. Both Men and Women lie about things in the same amount but just about different things. Women to make others feel better and Men to make themselves feel better. WOW!

People often lose trust because of lying, infact it is the number 1 reason of loosing someone else's trust. We all tend to lie because we want to avoid any confrontation being in a bad situation and getting in trouble is never a good idea but to lie to someone to avoid any bad situation is always the band-aid-solution. right?Remember it can stir up the problem but it will never solve it.

I think lies are like dominos, that just with one lie it can knock out the whole relationship, it can limit your future and destroy all the good aspects in your life and everytime you lie you gamble with being caught. But as we all know these lies we commit have their own way to come back and haunt us.

Lying to anybody is as exemplary as to think little of that person. You lie just cause you assume they’d arbitrate for the truth you invented just to redeem yourself. You lie since you conclude they can’t deal with the truth, even if they are more than worthy to know it.Covering-up the truth with a lie is comparable as stepping in a one size smaller shoe. The inside guiltiness shall damage a bit, allowing your feet to have a dangerous draw out expecting they'd turn ginger-like, brimming with callouses, ultimately winding you to a numb, uncontrollable liar.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Ang maling akalang iba ka, yun pala mas malala ka pa sa kanila. Isang masamang panaginip kagabi, binitawan ang lahat lahat ng pinaghirapan at bawat kaligayahan para sayo, Isang walang kwentang tao! Tama na, Tigilan mo na ko. Wag mong guluhin ang aking maayos na mundo. Wag idamay ang nakapaligid sakin at wag lagyan ng malisya ang pagsasama! Kahit pa gaano katamis ay di ko kailangan.Kung galing lang din SAYO, Wag na! Ayoko! Bitiwan mo na ko. Humanap ka ng bagong dadaanan at wag na kong hantayin sa kanto, magkakasakitan at magkakalokohan lang tayo. Kahit pa ako'y sumusolo ayokong sabayan ang anino mo hayaan ng matapos itong misteryong to. Sawang sawa nako sa kasinungalingan at pag papaasa mo! Dyan ka bagay, ikaw ang pumili nyan diba? Kaya kelangan panindigan lalo na't ito'y matagal na naman basta ang gusto ko lang bumitaw kana wag mo ko hilahin pababa kung hindi ihahampas ko sayo tong boteng hawak hawak ko. Isang panaginip lang ang lahat maligaya ako't anjan parin lahat maliban sayo isang di importanteng nakaraan. Wag kang magalala. Malapit na malapit na. Makikita mo.. Lilimutin at pilit iisang tabi ang nakalipas natin! HANGGANG DITO NALANG TO! HINDI NA MULING LILINGON...

Pasensya na sa mga hindi nakakaintindi ng tagalog dahil wala akong balak na isalin ito sa wikang ingles.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


****I sometimes miss the comfort of having someone . But I'm getting used to being alone. I've learned to let go. Proud to say I've moved on and that time has made me strong. I screwed up at one point. It's stupid, I know. But life goes on after all. And finally I know what I truly deserve and that is peace of mind and not piece of shit.

Dear Friday,

I've been waiting for you to come close to me and now you're here expect me to hold and cherish every moment we'll have together.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


It's been raining ever since I started with my morning shift and I've been late for the past couple of days (talk about bed magnetism). I love it when its raining, when its cold and wet and how it showers unexpectedly .

I always had fondness for rain it is further substantial to me than with anybody else.I guess. While observing the hefty droplets strike my window when I woke up awhile ago I contemplated as to why this could be. Several ideas crossed my mind. Could it be that I am mesmerized by the sweet-sounding-pitter-patter on the housetop while sipping a steaming hot coffee, Is it that I am captivated by the stimulated fragrance of watery land?Or does it reminds me of my childhood where an invigorating shower never ceased to radically dampen the warm, sticky, inconvenient summer? I assumed that all of these are true, Then it abruptly pass off me that on the past days it has rained I mat up like a kid savoring the laziness of a rainy day. The rain gives me an alibi to fall off the appearance of the earth. The rain made me feel whole again…even if for just a temporary moment.

On a lighter note, I was busy taking quizzes on facebook and this result made me smile.

O : has one of the best personalities ever
S : makes people laugh
E : has gorgeous eyes
L : is a very good kisser

O : has one of the best personalities ever
L : is a very good kisser
A : crazy
R : funny
T : a smile to die for
E : has gorgeous eyes

its 3pm, kai bye!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Relinquish downturn is instantaneously corresponding to broken mirrors. Instantly if you originated from stone, you might be held liable for several other things.Get a hold of these, so that once you choose to take the lunge, you recognize what to work out with the dainty.If you’re dainty, you get the alternative to use up the stairways And stairways, should foresee themselves to be walked on.

Monday, May 4, 2009

random monday

Dear Dysmenorrhea,

How could you attack in a very busy Monday, when I've got tons of work to do and deadlines that should not be missed. I Hate you, you painful menstrual cramp! You should have started a day before today but you were late! you're so stubborn and you're immensely giving me pain during the most hectic day of the week. To feel this excessive pain is the worst thing ever. You suck! So badly and I need you out of my system.QUICK!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

swing swing

First day of the week, the perforation in my heart exhibits itself once again.I expect I’m wrong seeing that I’m commonly right around these things. truth is, the notion of dubiousness constantly agitates each issue I consider asking myself. The current flows too deeply and its eminence is too autocratic for anybody to brush aside. I plead destruction to harm me, testify I'm mistaken and detain me in place firmly, or even with, barely a foot on the ground. I just despise having no dominance all over wherever the spatter is. Its just about beyond all doubt seems like I’m swinging topsy-turvy.

Instances like these, I purely contemplate of fancies that might contribute in placating the combats between my refine and miserable self. Momentary solace just comparable to my safety pill (Exedrine that is..) Still frequently suffering from migraine.It’s just fair that life’s unfair because these happens to anybody..I miss EM, boundlessly.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The truth is not an option

Attracted to compel the sprout forthright

and permit moments decipher the deranged seconds summate into equation

savour the brilliance of your soul

effectuate that the erstwhile

has well passed lacking your comportment

you are desired elsewhere

barbed and sliced the point of time you’ve sailed

to the desiccated sea

the tick shall collapse silently and unavailing

this way is your intimation

I'm prepared because you

Thursday, April 16, 2009


So i am still in my "can't-think-can't-write" mode..I'm trying so badly to think about anything, just anything that i can post in here. (about happy thoughts and I, becoming desperately insane about it.) I don't know..I've been like this in weeks now and I'm seriously worried, yes! maybe that's it I worry too much with the things that is going on around me that's why i can't focus on the things i opt to do. I don't even think i made sense at all..arghh.. i hate feeling this way, it's like I'm running in circles and i don't know exactly where it ends, like trapped in a box that i can't get out that's how it felt and still feeling at this very moment. I AM SO NOT IN THE MOOD FOR ANYTHING UNLESS IT IS CHANGE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!

"an hour later" (yeah! believe me..)
ha ha.. This is killing me..I mean, i wrote a research paper about Australian wage law yesterday (C'MON!! that's Australian wage law..) how come i can't write anything about myself and how i've been this past couple more weeks ( I guess..) I'm soo gonna be dead soon..huhu..becoming miserable was never a good has been more-sleep-less-awake ME and it bothers me nowadays..I've been reading a lot though and yes doing lots of work at the office..I AM PRE-OCCUPIED WITH A LOT OF THINGS. not so good things though.. oh well maybe i just have to bare with it til something good comes up.*sigh*

I think you look gorgeous in this pic leigh! I just have to upload it here.hihi!

I'll be with Tin this Saturday "Embassy-ing" right! so to clear my mind a bit..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

still can't think str8..

I am in the state where in basically want to do a lot of things all at the same time, i wanted it so badly that i can't stop thinking about it. I am constantly longing for change, progress, development all those kind of thing. I can't even think of anything to write about and that bugs me. I am effin confused with what I really want to accomplish first.(damn, I cant think of anything to say) I posted some pop art works that I've made yesterday using photoshop. I made those from scratch what i did was watch a video tutorial in youtube and follow the step by step guide in doing pop arts now I badly want to study graphic design..

Cartooney ME!

Pics that reminds me of Archie, Veronica and Josie and the pussycats..

This is lexxi by the way, I was teaching a friend some tricks in photo editing and he happens to be her dadi..

can't imagine i made these by just watching a video..( I'm effin good!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

sleepless and speechless

I made those..hi hi!

After my shift we (me, net, mom and ace) went to MOA yesterday and ate at french baker!

dunno' what this is coz it wasn't mine..

Banana Split

Pesto Pasta

Cordon Bleau


Bought some makeup at Body shop

and this shirt at people..

I'll go ahead and sleep now, i'll update this for some details the nextym i go online.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


"DHARMA", to start with, refers to the laws of life, which by its vague definition is characterized on how evidently multifarious things in life truly are. They perpetuate the paradox of transcending visual still images into reality. That is how Armi, Ean, Paul and Carlos got their band's name and often explains their music, having rather of a different kind of music influences that eventuate into a vigorous auditory sensation that allures different types of listeners all across the globe.

UdD @ 6UG

Just wanna share with all of you our fun friday night watching up dharma down live (for the first time) WE HAD A BLAST WATCHIN' THEM, and I am addicted with their MUSIC! This won't definitely be our last. I posted some pictures of the band for everyone.

UdD playing

Armi Millare

More pics

Ean Mayor

Here are some pics of Me and Toffee (both at Buxs and 6UG)