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Thursday, April 16, 2009


So i am still in my "can't-think-can't-write" mode..I'm trying so badly to think about anything, just anything that i can post in here. (about happy thoughts and I, becoming desperately insane about it.) I don't know..I've been like this in weeks now and I'm seriously worried, yes! maybe that's it I worry too much with the things that is going on around me that's why i can't focus on the things i opt to do. I don't even think i made sense at all..arghh.. i hate feeling this way, it's like I'm running in circles and i don't know exactly where it ends, like trapped in a box that i can't get out that's how it felt and still feeling at this very moment. I AM SO NOT IN THE MOOD FOR ANYTHING UNLESS IT IS CHANGE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!

"an hour later" (yeah! believe me..)
ha ha.. This is killing me..I mean, i wrote a research paper about Australian wage law yesterday (C'MON!! that's Australian wage law..) how come i can't write anything about myself and how i've been this past couple more weeks ( I guess..) I'm soo gonna be dead soon..huhu..becoming miserable was never a good has been more-sleep-less-awake ME and it bothers me nowadays..I've been reading a lot though and yes doing lots of work at the office..I AM PRE-OCCUPIED WITH A LOT OF THINGS. not so good things though.. oh well maybe i just have to bare with it til something good comes up.*sigh*

I think you look gorgeous in this pic leigh! I just have to upload it here.hihi!

I'll be with Tin this Saturday "Embassy-ing" right! so to clear my mind a bit..