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Thursday, April 16, 2009


So i am still in my "can't-think-can't-write" mode..I'm trying so badly to think about anything, just anything that i can post in here. (about happy thoughts and I, becoming desperately insane about it.) I don't know..I've been like this in weeks now and I'm seriously worried, yes! maybe that's it I worry too much with the things that is going on around me that's why i can't focus on the things i opt to do. I don't even think i made sense at all..arghh.. i hate feeling this way, it's like I'm running in circles and i don't know exactly where it ends, like trapped in a box that i can't get out that's how it felt and still feeling at this very moment. I AM SO NOT IN THE MOOD FOR ANYTHING UNLESS IT IS CHANGE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!

"an hour later" (yeah! believe me..)
ha ha.. This is killing me..I mean, i wrote a research paper about Australian wage law yesterday (C'MON!! that's Australian wage law..) how come i can't write anything about myself and how i've been this past couple more weeks ( I guess..) I'm soo gonna be dead soon..huhu..becoming miserable was never a good has been more-sleep-less-awake ME and it bothers me nowadays..I've been reading a lot though and yes doing lots of work at the office..I AM PRE-OCCUPIED WITH A LOT OF THINGS. not so good things though.. oh well maybe i just have to bare with it til something good comes up.*sigh*

I think you look gorgeous in this pic leigh! I just have to upload it here.hihi!

I'll be with Tin this Saturday "Embassy-ing" right! so to clear my mind a bit..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

still can't think str8..

I am in the state where in basically want to do a lot of things all at the same time, i wanted it so badly that i can't stop thinking about it. I am constantly longing for change, progress, development all those kind of thing. I can't even think of anything to write about and that bugs me. I am effin confused with what I really want to accomplish first.(damn, I cant think of anything to say) I posted some pop art works that I've made yesterday using photoshop. I made those from scratch what i did was watch a video tutorial in youtube and follow the step by step guide in doing pop arts now I badly want to study graphic design..

Cartooney ME!

Pics that reminds me of Archie, Veronica and Josie and the pussycats..

This is lexxi by the way, I was teaching a friend some tricks in photo editing and he happens to be her dadi..

can't imagine i made these by just watching a video..( I'm effin good!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

sleepless and speechless

I made those..hi hi!

After my shift we (me, net, mom and ace) went to MOA yesterday and ate at french baker!

dunno' what this is coz it wasn't mine..

Banana Split

Pesto Pasta

Cordon Bleau


Bought some makeup at Body shop

and this shirt at people..

I'll go ahead and sleep now, i'll update this for some details the nextym i go online.