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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bad Post

We take good care of the things we bought, we keep them clean. Meticulously securing it in a very special place keeping it away from the coins and keys inside our pockets, Setting it apart from other things that needs to be taken care of. Though once it gets dented and perforated again and again, we start to take it for granted not realizing that it was once very important. It has outrun its framework and only executing its purpose, losing its importance and becoming nothing. Just like how we treat people, keep them special, give them assurance that nothing's gonna change but things change,its constant, and yes, it may not be that very moment but sooner or later it will. Just when everything seems to be perfect confusion gets on your way, it's as if all that is happening is just to good to be true and you'll subconsciously start building doubts inside you. Uncertainty is the beginning of hurt whether it be accidentally or intentionally and from that very moment things starts falling.

- Okay, so finally I decided to post this.. I've been having 2nd thoughts of posting this...or not.. I thinks its a failed post to publish..hahahaha..whattamithinkin?! There you go.. Enjoy!